Action-packed! Mascot Robot Dogs
Mascot the Robot dog is a unique part of the Diamond Dust show.

Brendan at the National Waterfront Museum with Mascot 2.0

Both Mascot Robot Dogs are on patrol
Mascot The Robot Dog 2.0 joined the show around 1984. He appears at the end of the event. The children sit in a circle.
Mascot the robot dog, glides across the floor, the lights flash, and the alarm blasts. The children are mesmerised as he interacts with them.

Mascot the Robot Dog all lit up!
Recently, the birthday person at the party and a couple of other children operate the radio control of one of the robot dogs.
There is more interaction. The audience to appreciate what is involved in getting the machines to function.
The children usually ask what is going on. They make observations and predict what will happen, and their anticipations are brought in a fun way.
Martin’s interests in science fiction and pets. This is seen by the addition of the robots to the show.
His household includes two cats and the original Mascot the robot dog, over 30 years old.

Mascot the Robot Dog in Tenby
Mascot the Robot Dog – History
Mascot The Robot Dog (Mk I) was on the show from 1979 to 1984. He is now back after the total rebuild. is back in the front. Usually, he goes out on the show with the KATT.
Martin Thompson appeared on television with Mascot on BBC’s – Noel Edmonds’ Multi-Coloured Swap Shop, HTV – All Kinds of Everything, and S4C – Heno.
Almost every kid’s party show has the dog as the finale at the end of the gig. The KATT turns up occasionally.
Our robot dogs are used as educational tools to inspire and involve young people in the subject of science.
This will encourage the children to take the matter in school and follow a career in some aspect of science. This is passing the torch on to the next generation.
The shell is a the Northcourt Valve amplifier.

Robot Workshop – Fixing the 1st Robot Dog
Dog Number 1 has a rebuild.
First, newer, more robust, 12-volt windscreen motors were installed to make the robot dog more dependable and faster. Second, two 6-volt motorcycle batteries were added in series to give the extra power needed.
It has been quite a job to make the original robot dog update whilst keeping most of the original components. The robot is now completely rewired during the extensive reconstruction.
This project was more complex and challenging than the 8-foot Robot Cat. It’s a priority to keep the robot dog looking as close as he looked in the ’70s.
We ensure that we made him more attractive to the show and science events children. The older robot dog has a noticeable height difference. Sometimes the old dog is louder, faster, and more impressive than his successor!
We try to improve the robots as often as we can.
The simpler you keep the machines, the less likely they are to go wrong. Sometimes, this might make it a bit more interesting. You can not only predict what can happen in a show, as it involves children and animals, even though it is of the mechanical variety!
“Entertainers are advised to avoid children and animals. Martin Thompson revels in both, even though Mascot is not quite canine.”