DJs Waiting for better times.

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March 14, 2021

A year to the day was the last time that our DJs, 8-Foot-Robot-Cat and both Robot Dogs were out and about entertaining, educating, and inspiring children and young people in South Wales.

8-Foot-Robot-Cat and DJs waiting to return to work

8-Foot-Robot-Cat and DJs waiting to return to work

We all hope that the situation will improve soon, as schools are continuing to open, with the promise that venues and theatres will open their doors at some point in the future.

The 8-Foot-Robot-Cat and Robot Dog resting

The 8-Foot-Robot-Cat and Robot Dog resting

Roxy has been inspecting our progress and decided to take a few nibbles at the cake.

Roxy supervising The KATT

Roxy supervising The KATT

Stay safe and positive.  We hope to see you soon.

KATT and Dogs at Gateway Resort 14.03.2020

KATT and Dogs at Gateway Resort 14.03.2020                                                    

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