Our Terms and Conditions

Diamond Dust: Terms and Conditions

Diamond Dust: Terms and Conditions


DJ Diamond Dust – Method Statement

The document sets protocols for a safe system of work.  It is for the crew, clients, audiences and venues on the recommended methods for setting up equipment. We include sound and lighting equipment for discos, shows and public addresses. The document shows the risks involved and the control measures in place.

Access Requirements
Access is required 30 minutes to an hour before the event. This depends on the requirements stated in the agreed contract. We need approximately the same amount of time to remove our equipment safely.

Direct access from our vehicle into the venue is by trolley or dolly trucks wherever possible.

Stairs may affect the health and safety of those involved in setting up. We have to consider raised thresholds and small lifts. 

The client or customer has considered that the available access fits the purpose.

Method of Delivery
We unload our equipment from the van across the car park or loading area. Then we travel around the back of the building and fire the exit door to the appropriate floor. We may need a relevant parking permit.

Method of Unloading
By Hand/trolley

Storage of Equipment and Materials on-site
Equipment, materials and cases will be set up and stored, if necessary, by agreement with the venue and client.

No hazardous, flammable, caustic or explosive materials are used. Any such materials are documented and referred to additional paperwork in compliance with COSHH and specific risk assessment.

Terms and Conditions: Method of Installation

Swansea DJ Diamond Dust

Swansea DJ Diamond Dust

All the equipment set up is temporary. We do not make any permanent alterations to the fabric of the venue. We do not need tables as the sound equipment is flight cased. The transportation boxes act as tables.

Leads and cables on the floor are taped down with gaffer tape where necessary, especially over access points. I use matting as an alternative when this is unsuitable, such as outdoor or concrete flooring.

To avoid cable runs across the escape route, we run the cables preferably over door frames. We would ask the venue’s staff for permission. Tripods are used to elevate some equipment. We use light screens to set up traffic and hazard tape as appropriate.

The venue will be designated a work site during set up, take down, and moving equipment. Access should be for those with a specific purpose in preparing the event.

Terms and Conditions Please Note:
We discourage meetings between delegates and guests in the venue after the event. It would delay takedown and potentially have a safety issue due to a work site.

Diamond Dust: Terms and Conditions

Diamond Dust: Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions: Risk Assessment

  • Identifying Hazards
  • Who  is at risk
  • Evaluate the risks and hazards. Decide if current control measures are adequate.  What else could be done to minimise the risk
  • Record the findings
  • Revise the assessment at appropriate intervals and revise it if necessary

Common hazards include:

  • Manual handling
  • Trip hazards
  • Sharps, broken glass around the venue
  • Poorly maintained fixed electrical installations at the site. Be aware of three-phase electrical installations. Using main sockets installed. Avoiding using “borrowed” extension main leads
  • Location of in-date suitable fire extinguishers, familiarisation of fire exits and assembly points if they have to evacuate

Persons at Risk
Road crew, performers and guests


  • Induction Course for new team members going through development
  • Periodic assessment and inspection of equipment
  • Annual P.A.T. testing
  • Site survey before the booking if deemed necessary
  • Client and venue should be made aware of any hazards that  may pose a risk
  • Personal Protection Equipment. Appropriate footwear. Under certain circumstances, high-visibility jackets and gloves are available when required.

Terms and Conditions: First Aid
Martin has a First Aid at Work Certificate and is a St John Ambulance Cymru member. We usually keep a  first aid bag in the van which is intended for the use of crew.

I have reviewed the Method of Work. To the best of my knowledge, I believe the Safe System of Work criteria have been met. This has been done as far as reasonably practical.

Martin Thompson Diamond Dust  9.6.19

Diamond Dust: Terms and Conditions

Diamond Dust: Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions: Conduct

We expect full payment at the beginning of the function. The customer is liable for any damage to our equipment caused by guests. A charge will be made for costs or replacement.

Violent, abusive or aggressive behaviour is not acceptable. We will terminate our services whenever we feel our safety is under threat.

Terms and Conditions: When a customer books us, I will:

  • Provide written confirmation requiring a £30 deposit by BACS. In some circumstances, I will need a  50% deposit or a full fee in advance.  If a customer’s only payment method is through an invoice system, which results in delayed payment, a £30.00 administration fee is incurred. 
  • Have transparency, i.e., established mobile number, landline, website & email address, and home address.
  • Ensure that music requests are played as well as music to get the audience up and to dance
  • Equity membership (professional performers union) includes liability cover and code of conduct.
  • Use professional quality sound equipment, similar to what an artist or a band does. It has better quality than what most mobile disco operators will work with.
  • Supply a good mixture of LED lighting equipment to create the right atmosphere.
  • Use original music.
  • Maintain standards in working with children and young people. Enhanced DBS, Qualified Teacher Status, NVQ3 Early Years Care and Education.
  • First Aid at Work certificate with ongoing training.
  • Continue to improve Health and Safety with a Method Statement, risk assessments and protocols

Diamond Dust: Terms and Conditions

Diamond Dust: Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions: Complaint Procedure

We value our reputation and customers and do our best to promote a professional image. However, on rare occasions, someone may feel that the show may have fallen short of expectations. To restate faith, we can try to resolve the situation informally or formally.

Informal Complaint
You can contact me if you wish to make an informal complaint. This would be about any aspect of my business or services. You can do this by telephone or email. We can discuss the issues in greater detail. I can listen to all your concerns and together agree on a solution. You can escalate the complaint to the next level.

Formal Complaint
Please send a formal complaint in writing if you wish to make a formal complaint. I will then reply within seven working days. If I cannot deal with the issue at this time, I will contact you. I will let you know how long it will take me to respond. You will be informed of the process if a resolution is made. I will issue a clear explanation in writing.

Our contact details are Martin Thompson, Diamond Dust, 40 Bronwydd, Birchgrove, Swansea, SA7 9QJ. Telephone: 01792 324 404.

If we can not reach a satisfactory conclusion, you have the option to seek a  third-party mediation.

You can either:

  • Write a formal complaint to scurtis@equity.org.uk
  • Post to Equity, Transport House, 1 Cathedral Road, Cardiff CF11 9HA
  • or telephone: 029 2039 7971

The reference is ‘Martin Thompson’. Once this has been noted, I will write back formally within a time frame.

Equity – how we are run

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